Saturday, 30 July 2016

Dowry: The Most Deep Rooted Evil of Our society.

"Say No To Dowry"

The problem of dowry has become a serious social evil among the upper castes and middle classes both in towns and villages. Dowry at present is a source of both joy and curse in the society. It is also a joy to the husband and his relatives who get cash, costly dress and utensils, furniture, bedding materials, etc. But, it is a curse to the bride’s parents who have to bear enormous cost to satisfy the unreasonable demands of the bridegroom’s party. A demand of dowry does not diminish even after marriage. The in-laws of the bride are very much ready in Indian homes to inflict harassment, insults and tortures-both mental and physical. When more pressure is put on the bride’s parents, their dear daughter has no other option but to commit suicide to avoid more insult and torture at the hands of the members of her husband’s family.

Women must be empowered. Gender-based inequality should be completely abolished and the position of women in the society should be raised. Women must be taught since girlhood that their life is not useless without marriage. The demand for dowry is just a small part of the picture. It is a little piece of an elaborate web of male privilege and female disempowerment that still pervades our society. The root of the problem lies with a refusal to accept women as equal citizens with equal rights and of equal value and worthy of equal respect. The reason dowry persists is that it is an economic reflection of the values of our society.

It has become a vicious cycle, A man who gives dowry to his daughter plans to take more dowry for his son.

It is high time to take effective steps against this Social evil. It can be rooted out by generating public opinion against it. At the same time it is essential to pass strict laws for the exemplary punishment of the offenders.Say no Dowry and don't worry you are making a right choice rejecting him, If he demands he is never worthy of it.

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